Tuesday Evening Club Nights

PCC club night is on Tuesday evenings throughout the year which we split into 2 seasons

New POOL SESSION rules for October 2020 -April 2021

Meeting at Torbay Leisure Centre pool, 8:45pm.  Pool sessions are now back at the 'old' time of 9pm to 10pm

Cost: £3 per member per session.  Payable on the night.  Contactless Payments Only, please.  No Cash (sorry)

Non-Members may have 1 free taster session

PCC Pool Sessions Covid-19 Restrictions 2020

Pool sessions will start on 6th October now running from 8-9pm. Due to the coronavirus pandemic there are many changes to the way pool sessions will be run. 

This is a new system PCC will be using so we ask all members to please be understanding and patient with us, there will inevitably be a few hiccups as we start.

PCC take all aspects of member safety extremely seriously and will take all reasonable steps to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 at all PCC events and pool sessions.

PCC cannot guarantee a totally risk-free environment (from Covid-19) so you attend at your own discretion and entirely at your own risk.  Members are expected to accept a certain amount of personal responsibility and behave in a reasonable way that will protect themselves and others from potential COVID-19 infection.

New General Rules

  • No lifeguards will be supplied by TLC.  All members are asked to keep an eye on each other, use the pool responsibly and ensure a safe pool session.
  • Masks and/or face shields are to be worn inside by anyone not in (or getting in/out) of the swimming pool.  Members will need to provide their own masks/face shields.

  • PCC offers no guarantees as to the safety of the changing rooms (with regards to Covid-19) and we cannot guarantee contact tracing will be done of anyone who enters.  Changing rooms will be available to use at the individual’s discretion.  members use them entirely at their own risk.  We recommend that members arrive with their pool kit on under their clothes to avoid possible close contact in the changing rooms.

  • Contact tracing: there will be a record kept of everyone who enters the pool area, including the seating area.  This will be done by taking names into a book.  Everyone who enters the pool building will need to give their details to be entered into this book.

  • Everyone to enter and exit through the side doors where the boats come in. Please do not use the main doors to the leisure centre. 

  • Do not go elsewhere in the leisure centre. Please remain either in the pool area or the changing rooms.

  • There is now a strict limit to the number of people who can use the pool, to allow reasonable social distancing at all times between paddlers.  This initially will be 4 in the small pool (in and out of boats) until the course starts, 18 in the large section (this may change after we have run 1 or 2 sessions as we get a better feel of what number can be safely handled). Members are to book their place in a pool session online (see below)

  • PCC recommend that members wear helmets whilst in the pool, but this will be up to each member’s discretion (it is recommended that members use their own paddling helmets).

  • Maintain a social distance of 2m (The length of most paddles or the width of 3 seats) or briefly 1m, except in emergencies.

  • Do not congregate in groups larger than 6 when not in the pool, both inside and outside the building.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided and is to be used every time people have handled any equipment they suspect has been handled by others.

  • Do not swap/share kit or boats with anyone outside your social bubble.  Do not touch other peoples’ kit unless absolutely necessary.

  • Do not to attend any club events if you believe you have Covid-19 symptoms and/or have recently tested positive for Covid-19

  • If you feel you are at risk in any way or your attendance will put others at risk, then please do not attend

  • If you discover you have Covid-19 and have attended a PCC event, please get in contact with us immediately!

Before the Session

  • Members Must pre-book pool sessions online!  Please book by using this the BOOKING FORM

  • All boats and kit used in the pool need to be clean both inside and out!  We recommend that before bringing the boat to the pool you wipe down the outside of it with an antibacterial cloth (especially the cockpit rim and both ends where it is most likely to be touched) or make certain that it is not touched by any other person for 72 hours before the pool session.

  • No parking on the ramp/lane that is used to access the side doors of the pool this will create space for members boats to be spread out.

  • No piling of boats on top of each other outside.  There will now be space to allow boats to be placed outside the pool without the need to touch each other.

Start of the Session

  • Pool sessions will be 8pm-9pm Tuesday nights at Torbay Leisure Centre. The doors will hopefully be opened at 7.45pm and boats can be brought in at 7.55pm.
  • Everyone to enter through the side doors where the boats come in. Please do not use the main doors to the leisure centre.  Please remain either in the pool area or the changing rooms, do not go elsewhere in the leisure centre.

  • Please take off your shoes when entering the side doors and walking around the pool to reduce the amount of mess we bring into the pool

  • Contact tracing: there will be a record kept of everyone who enters the pool area, including the seating area.  This will be done by taking names into a book.  Everyone who enters the pool building, and/or the changing rooms will need to give their details to be entered into this book.

  • All pool payments to be made by card!  Pool session cost will remain £3 a session and are to be paid at the session but PCC will not accept cash.  PCC now has a card machine that will accept all major credit and debit cards.

  • Boats are to be hosed down before being brought into the pool area.

  • One-way system clockwise around the pool.  Small pool to be accessed as normal.  The large pool is to be accessed from the long side furthest from the seats: carry your boat past the seats, around the small pool to the long edge furthest from the seats (Yes the long way round!!!!) and access the pool from there. (this will allow for greater space to access the pool with social distancing from each pool user and spectators in the seating area)

End of The Session

·      One-way system ANTI-clockwise around the pool: Those in the small pool to get out as normal those in the big pool to get out on the long edge next to the seats and head straight out.


·      Do not pile boats together there will be enough space to space them apart.


·      PCC offers no guarantees as to the safety of the changing rooms (with regards to Covid-19).  PCC cannot guarantee contact tracing will be done of everyone who enters them. Changing rooms will be available to use at the individual’s discretion.  members use them entirely at their own risk. 


·    Everyone to exit through the side doors where the boats go outside. Please do not use the main doors to the leisure centre 

Club Kit and the Trailer 

·      Members use club kit entirely at their own risk! Club kit can be used by members for free at pool sessions (subject to availability). 


·      The trailer will NOT be brought to the first pool session on the 6th October so club boats and paddles will not be available then


·      When the trailer is brought it will be parked further forward on the ram/lane outside the pool to allow space so boats will not need to be piled on top of each other.


·      Those wishing to use club kit will be allowed to use 1 pcc boat, 1 pcc helmet, 1 pcc paddle, 1 pcc spray-deck and 1 pcc BA for the whole session (as requested and subject to availability).  No swapping of kit.


·      Trailer boats will remain on the trailer and will only be taken off ‘to order’: if you require a club boat, go to the trailer select the boat you wish to use for the whole session, follow the rules above and when you have finished with the boat immediately take it back outside and put it by the trailer.


  • Club kit and trailer boats will NOT be available to rent out for the weeks between pool sessions, this will guarantee no possibility of contamination as the boats and paddles on the trailer will not be touched for 7 days between pool sessions.


If you feel there is anything PCC can do to improve its operations to prevent Covid-19 then please let us know.

Summer Season (May-September)

Meeting at different places in and around the Torbay area, normally at 7pm

Cost: Free

Locations vary each year so see Events Calendar or the latest newsletter for details.

Feel free to use your own kit if you have it.  If you wish to hire club kit you will need to contact a committee member two days before a trip (at the latest) to organize. Cost will be £2 per session.  Due to parking difficulties the club will not bring spare club boats to most summer paddles because the club trailer is too difficult to park. See the club kit page for full details on kit.

Summer Tuesday night trips vary a lot but usually involve a paddle on the sea or one of the local rivers and estuaries, sometimes involving trips to pubs or having barbecues.  We try to do a bit of everything for everybody and they are usually fine for anyone who understands the basics of kayaking.