Considerations and Controls for Paignton Canoe Club during the Covid-19 Epidemic Period Starting July 2020




     Club equipment will not be normally be loaned or rented out during the epidemic but if used should be cleaned before and after use. Guidance for cleaning of boats and equipment

     Only groups of 3-6 to physically attend individual PCC events

     At the beginning of each session the named leader must ensure their briefing includes as a minimum:

     Standard session briefing

     All members from different households must maintain a social distance of 2 metres or at least 1m, except in cases of emergency.

     Be aware of other users and maintain social distance of at least 2 metres from the public.

     Ensure that the health check includes specifically asking if every paddler is symptom free. If anyone reports symptoms they should be asked not to attend or if they are already present, asked to leave, and anyone who has been in contact should be advice to check the NHS England website for the appropriate course of action. Any equipment that has been used by a symptomatic person should be cleaned and not used for 72 hours.

Reducing the risk of transmission

     Follow government advice for those who have the symptoms or have been in contact with someone with symptoms.

     Encourage good hygiene practices including:

     Regular hand washing

     Cover mouth when sneezing or coughing, avoid touching face, nose and eyes

     Keep your distance at all times

     Identify touch points, surfaces and equipment that are likely to be touched by multiple people, and consider whether usage is appropriate.

     All access and egress points and local facilities

     Grab handles and lifting points on kayaks

     Provide adequate facilities for members to wash or sanitise their hands where appropriate.

      PCC recommends that all paddlers bring their own hand sanitizing products.

Facilities and club equipment

     Club equipment not currently available for shared use

     This assessment to be reviewed as guidelines change

     Re-check the latest Covid-19 Secure guidelines when they are amended

     This assessment to be reviewed as guidelines change, or when use of the Torbay leisure swimming pool will be required



Launching Facilities,

Landing stages,

Slipways, Pontoons,

     Decide how social distancing can be maintained when launching and landing, and when waiting on landing stages, or slipways.

     Only one group of 6 to use each launching area at a time.

     Strict timings are required if there is more than one group



     Review all planned club activity and whether it fits with the current British Canoeing and Government guidelines to decide which can proceed, and which need to remain on hold.

     Map activities to the steps the Governments are considering: e.g. restarting school, expanding household groups or ‘bubbles’, opening some hospitality and leisure facilities. (see template below)

     Re-check the current advice of the emergency services and any local authorities / landlords / waterway authority responsible for the paddling area.

     When reviewing activities consider: the likelihood of contact between members of different households so the needs of people who may have been asked to pay particular attention to social distancing

     The numbers of people likely to be involved or to what extent the activity is outdoors or inside the amount of travel participants will have to undertake to get to club events

     The extent to which shared equipment will be used

     If activities are re-designed check the new ways of working are realistic, safe, minimize impact on the emergency services, are considerate and conservative.

     Schedule activities for paddlers at different locations; times of the day or week and staggering the start and end times;

     Ask members to be fully ready with boats and kit to launch at set times and to respect the importance of group organisation on the water that may require the entire group to paddle at the speed of the slowest paddler.

     Explore alternative formats for activities that may make it easier to implement social distancing advice for volunteers and participants.

     Assess the level of support and supervision required for a considerate and conservative approach.


On the Water Safety

     Hold briefings online or outside with physical distancing guidelines in place.

     Update paddlers on latest procedures and techniques. Re-enforce briefings with key information online.

     Debrief online or using social media.


On the water participants:

     Be conservative – stay within the limits of your ability.

     When deciding to paddle, think about: Weather forecast, temperature, wind speed, direction, river flow rate, sea state, tide, visibility, participants’ competence; and the types of craft involved.

     Restrict your paddling area activities to make it easier for shore support and safety cover afloat.

     Allocate different areas to different activities to make it easier for support and safety cover.

     Consider reducing environmental safety guidance.

     Remind members about the importance of having a plan, letting someone know what you are doing, and being in communication.

     Paddlers to stay in their own boats and maintain social distancing afloat

     All paddlers in a group to stay together at all times, unless group leader agrees to a split.  A split group should contain no fewer than three people, with one person designated leader taking all the responsibilities of group leader set out in club rules and this risk document.


Responding to a potential Covid-19 exposure at your club

     Follow public health advice – new phases may include advice about contact tracing.

     Make sure everyone’s contact numbers and emergency contact details are up to date.

     Anyone who displays or develops symptoms of Covid-19 should not attend or be sent home.


Covid–19 Risk Assessment for Paignton Canoe Club  

Paignton Canoe Club

Name of Risk Assessor: Jeremy Baillie, Jon Roberts

Date of Risk Assessment: July 2020


What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed?

Controls Required

Additional Controls


Action by who?

Action by when?


Spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus

























Staff, club members, volunteers, paddlers and visitors to your cub.


Vulnerable groups – Elderly, Pregnant workers, those with existing underlying health conditions.


Anyone else who physically comes in contact with other people in relation to your business



Hand Washing

Gel sanitisers in any area where washing facilities are not readily available/accessible.



Frequently cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly particularly in areas of high use such as door handles, light switches, reception area using appropriate cleaning products and methods.



An efficient system of notifying members of the systems and protocols in place and what is expected of them, must be in place prior to re-using the club facilities and equipment.


Social Distancing

Reduce the amount of people accessing the boat sheds for boats and equipment, comply with the 2-metre (6.5 foot) gap recommended by the Public Health Agency.





Reduce the amount of people on any given access and egress point.




Members are reminded on a regular basis to wash their hands for 20 seconds with water and soap and the importance of proper drying with disposable towels. Also reminded to catch coughs and sneezes in tissues – Follow Catch it, Bin it, Kill it and to avoid touching your face, eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands. Tissues will be made available throughout the premises.

To help reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) reminding everyone of the public health advice -


Cleaning Shared Equipment

Any shared equipment should be wiped down with water and detergent/disinfectant before and after use.  This will include boats, paddles, buoyancy aids and any other shared objects/materials.

Equipment must be left for 72 hours between u


Leaders briefing to include additional Covd-19 information

Ensure your facility has signage and information regarding precautions for managing COVID-19

Members must receive information in advance of attending shared premises to enable them to prepare properly to follow the new systems and protocols.


Each group of 6 should use different launch points so as not to overrun access and egress points.




This is is not an exhaustive list and we highly recommend that you complete a full risk assessment that takes into account the specific risks at your venue. This resource provides guidance and does not constitute formal professional advice. This information in this resource is based on advice provided by the Health and Safety Executive, but British Canoeing recommends clubs seek relevant expert advice in this subject area when required. HSE Risk Assessment guidance can be found here.  Our thanks to the RYA for sharing this information.